Our Blog

Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

Introducing The Wandle Piscators

Come and “Meet the Cast” of the Wandle Piscators, and get involved in fishing, Riverfly monitoring, river restoration, and water quality testing experiences too.

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Emma Sandham Emma Sandham

Our new event artwork!

We feel extremely lucky to work with talented and passionate individuals, working across a range of different sectors and skills.

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

What does your River mean to you?

It’s really important to us that this event has a strong sense of community, which is why last week we gathered together with local community groups to talk about opportunities for their involvement…

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

The Funny Terns

Theatre-maker, comedy songwriter and eco-activist Angus Barr will be joined by award-winning campaigner and founder of City to Sea, Natalie Fée. Together they will save the planet using only cheap stringed instruments and their voices.

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

Wandle Industrial Museum

We are pleased to announce that, as an integral part of the River Wandle Community, the Wandle Industrial Museum will be leading an afternoon workshop at The River Summit & Festival on 21st May at Morden Hall.

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

Landmark Ruling for our Rivers

A Yorkshire angling club fighting to restore Upper Costa Beck, a formerly prime trout and grayling fishery near Pickering now degraded by pollution - working with environmental organisation Fish Legal - have won a landmark judicial review in the High Court against the Government and the Environment Agency of its defective river improvement plans. 

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

BDQ Beer Co.

The River Festival in France is supported by some of the world's best outdoor brands, but it also recognises the importance of underpinning the event with local knowledge and products. We were therefore thrilled that this year, for the second year running, local artisan brewers BDQ Beer Co. pledged their support for The River Festival.

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Emma Sandham Emma Sandham

Top 5 Tips to Encourage Permaculture Beginners to Give it a Go

As a complete beginner last year, I have discovered how rewarding starting to create permaculture designs can be. With hard work and close attention to the living world, I have started to get a little braver to experiment and see things in a different way such as how I can use what I would normally discard.

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Emma Sandham Emma Sandham

Starting to Winter the Garden at L’Oasis

The garden at L’Oasis is central to the ethos and values of the River Festival. It’s been created as both a wildlife haven and provides a rich harvest of vegetables and fruit to share with friends.

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Claire Zambuni Claire Zambuni

Surprise Pumpkins, Crazy Courgettes, and Baby Butternuts

On Thursday 13 July, The Association Les Trois Rivières in Chalabre, France, organised its first citizen science project of 2023 in collaboration with Earthwatch. We wanted to collect data ahead of the big citizen science project taking place on 14th September as part of the River Festival…

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Iona Mackay Iona Mackay

Citizen Science Project Begins

On Thursday 13 July, The Association Les Trois Rivières in Chalabre, France, organised its first citizen science project of 2023 in collaboration with Earthwatch. We wanted to collect data ahead of the big citizen science project taking place on 14th September as part of the River Festival…

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